Splendid kettledrum strokes

The first Concert of the Season with the Wuppertal Symphony Orchestra and the Choir… Living up to its nickname “the kettledrum stroke”, included in the programme was Joseph Haydn’s Symphony no. 94 in C major “with the kettledrum roll” and the “Paukenmesse” (“Kettledrum Mass”)… the soloists’ voices were relaxed, full-bodied and wonderfully expressive. The Wuppertal orchestra played with exquisite delicacy and cantability. The Italian Conductor, Aurelio Canonici, directed with noble discretion, enabling the musicians to stand out with just the right balance, particularly in the Symphony.
As if by magic, Canonici created delicate sounds, like very expressive, tiny dashes of colour, while at the same time producing sophisticated, melodic lines, which were never excessive. The wind instruments’ distinct, melodious notes soared effortlessly.
The strings were outstanding, with their precise sequences of immaculate sounds and their attention to detail and also for an exceptional solo cellist. At the end of the concert, the audience rose to their feet as one for a standing ovation…

Von Tanja Heil, Westdeutsche Zeitung, 26 november 2009