With Augias’ music, quality TV wins

The program dedicated to the great composers shows that the public rewards quality TV. CEO Rai Fuortes: “A success among the kids”

How many times have we heard that classical music on TV doesn’t work? And instead it depends on how it is told … Augias … takes the viewer by the hand and leads him to discover the secrets, magic and the protagonists of great music, lyric and symphonic … alternates the ability of storyteller with that of curious and passionate about music , questioning two conductors, Speranza Scappucci and Aurelio Canonici, to understand what lies behind the inventions of the greatest composers… The result, in terms of ratings, was more than flattering.

Raffaella Silipo, 14 June 2022, La Stampa https://www.lastampa.it/spettacoli/tv/2022/06/14/news/con_la_musica_di_augias_vince_la_tv_di_qualita_-5403300/