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Shostakovich – Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia

Shostakovich – Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia

Rome, National Academy of Santa Cecilia: great public participation and lots of applause for the third appointment of the cycle "Music, history". The famous journalist Corrado Augias and Aurelio Canonici talk about Shostakovich's genius, his fascinating and intense...


Fauré’s Requiem

Fauré’s Requiem

April 2017: Gabriel Fauré’s masterpiece, his Requiem, is performed to commemorate the victims of the earthquake. Two performances in front of a large and moved crowd, April 5th at Onna, April 6th at L’Aquila. Aurelio Canonici conducts Soloists, Choir and Orchestra of...

Teatro Vittoria, Rome

Teatro Vittoria, Rome

May 2017: for the fourth consecutive year Aurelio Canonici is a guest of the Teatro Vittoria in Rome to explain the symphonic and operatic music to the public. In this season, during five acclaimed lessons between November and May, Maestro Canonici analyzed...

Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Rome

Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Rome

June 2017: Aurelio Canonici is invited to explain classical music to the audience of Santa Cecilia. Between April, May, and June, Maestro Canonici analyzed masterpieces such as Bartók’s Concerto for Orchestra, Mahler’s Fifth Symphony, and Caikovskij’s Lake Swan and...


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